Future Public Transport Study

Tuesday 1 November 2011, 2:43PM

By Wellington City Council



An 18-month study is under way looking at future high-quality public transport options between Wellington Railway Station and the hospital in Newtown, and you can help.

Surveys will be carried out over the next few weeks, there will be meetings and focus groups for special interest groups, and other people can participate by completing the online questionnaire by Friday 18 November at:

Spine Study - Greater Wellington Regional Council website

At this stage Wellingtonians are being asked what they think of the existing central city public transport system, what they like about systems elsewhere and what they think a frequent, high-quality public transport system in Wellington would be like.

The joint study by Greater Wellington, Wellington City Council and the NZ Transport Agency will investigate a variety of possible long-term options, including bus-based and light rail systems.

Study consultants will review what's worked and what hasn't overseas and will also look at connections with the wider transport network and benefits to the economy, environment and community. A short-list of options will be presented to the Regional Transport Committee in early 2013 and the community will get an opportunity to comment on those before a preferred option is selected.