Opportunities for Lower Hutt from innovation report

Thursday 3 November 2011, 5:23PM

By Hutt City Council



Government support to develop the Lower Hutt science organisation Industrial Research Limited (IRL) as a “science HQ” for New Zealand is major boost for business confidence in the city, says Mayor Ray Wallace.

“Our city will be aiming to provide incentives and supporting infrastructure for science and technology innovation based around existing world-leading organisations located in Lower Hutt,” he said.

Government has announced increased funding for the science sector which would transform IRL into an advanced technology institute operating out of its Gracefield site in Lower Hutt and expanding into Auckland and Christchurch.

“The proposed plan will benefit Lower Hutt and secure our future as a leading technology centre for New Zealand, providing high value jobs for emerging young scientists and engineers within our own region

“I see a bright future for Lower Hutt as the science plan unfolds over the next five years.

“The report clearly points to the need to grow IRL through a focus on supporting industry development.

“We already have a significant science infrastructure in Lower Hutt and the release of the Power Innovation report sets out a direction of building a business-focused culture.

“One of the key issues raised is improved connectivity within the sector, including utilising existing partnerships in countries like China and the United States.

‘I have just returned from leading a council delegation to our sister city in Tempe Arizona which is the leading hub in the United States for linking science and academic innovation within the grounds of the state university. We have come back with good ideas.

“Included in the successful programmes run by the city of Tempe is a business innovation centre jointly funded between the local authority, universities and private enterprise to encourage and grow high value manufacturing.

“They utilise the findings of research scientists and engineers to attract and develop leading edge industry to create jobs and prosperity for the region.

”Lower Hutt already has linkages with the tertiary institutes like Weltec which has a well established engineering faculty and the city is a natural focal point for Victoria and Massey Universities to develop research platforms in conjunction with IRL.

“The recommendations contained in the Innovation report also provide opportunities for our city to encourage secondary students embarking on tertiary studies in sciences and engineering.

“The report also notes the need to increase visibility and awareness of technology developments and we see a potential to support this activity by enhancing our existing business innovation awards and other events.

“There are great opportunities for our city and we will be working to make the most of them,” he said.