Farmers mourn John Aspinall

Saturday 5 November 2011, 10:06PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Federated Farmers offers its sincere condolences to the family of John Aspinall, a former National Board member, following his untimely death at the age of 60.

“Sixty is simply too young to pass and his death will be felt throughout the entire farming community and in the High Country especially,” says Graham Reed, Federated Farmers High County chairperson.

“Federated Farmers expresses our sincere condolences to Sue and their family.

“John was a third generation High Country farmer and with his family, farmed sheep, beef cattle, deer and bees on Mt Aspiring Station. Up to 50,000 people each year visit Mr Aspiring, so his loss will be felt by many people outside of farming

“John was a man of so much dignity and integrity. Out of everyone I have known, John contributed the most to the High Country farming community. He was highly respected and I think all the groups he engaged with would say he was a humble and decent man; a farmer’s farmer.

“As a former chair of Federated Farmers High Country, a past National Board member and a current trustee of Federated Farmers High Country, John worked hard for farming. He was also the establishment chair of the Hieracium Control Trust.

“John was incredibly generous with the access he offered. He passionately loved the High Country and believed that sustainable management of the land, environment and the farm business unit were vital. He dedicated much of Mt Aspiring to conservation and recreation and was active in the community, including with search and rescue.

“A quote of his really says it all, “Sustainable management will not be achieved by rules, regulations, legislation or plans. It is achieved by those working the land with sweaty brows and dirty hands”.

“In 1995, John was honoured with a significant achievement award by the Otago branch of the Institute of Agricultural Science. The Aspinall’s commitment to sustainable farming was recognised in 2006, with them being named supreme winners of the Otago Ballance Farm Environment Awards.

“John was also a current Board member on the Walking Access Commission, having been a member of the Walking Access Consultation Panel and the Walking Access Advisory Board.

“John was a farming leader, conservationist, tramper, hunter and fisherman and he will be missed by us all,” Mr Reed concluded.