Wairoa - Child rescued by Lowe Walker Rescue Chopper

Thursday 17 November 2011, 8:41AM

By New Zealand Police



The Lowe Walker Rescue Chopper was called to rescue an 11 year old girl after she fell down a bank at Te Reinga North of WAIROA on Wednesday 16.11.2011.

At about 2.30pm the girl had been in a group of 25 school children on a hike when she lost her footing and fell down an 11 metre bank.

The group had returned to WAIROA before she was noticed missing and the alarm raised.

Locals from the area and Police located the girl at the bottom of the bank. She had been there for approximately 2 hours.

The Lowe Walker Rescue Helicopter was able to land near the girl and she was uplifted and transported to HAWKES BAY Hospital for examination.

Her injuries are not known at this time but she was awake and talking when found.