Keep Safe During Party Season

Tuesday 29 November 2011, 2:09PM

By Wellington City Council



With December just days away, the Christmas party season is about to officially kick off in Wellington.

If you're planning a Christmas party - whether it's a work do, a celebration for an organisation or a get-together for family and friends - you'll want to make sure that after having a great time out your guests make it home safely.

If you're going to a party, look out for your friends and colleagues and encourage them to make good decisions. Leaving your car keys at home is a good move if you plan to drink, so you won't be tempted to drive.

When you're organising a party you can take care of your guests by:

  • providing non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks
  • serving food
  • thinking of things your guests can do at your party other than just drink - consider including games or having an activity like cricket
  • planning to get your guests home safely - provide information on an invitation or email about bus and train services home and taxi contact details, and help to organise sober drivers.


There is a 24-hour liquor ban in the central city, Aro Valley, Central Park, Mount Victoria lookout, Oriental Bay, Mount Cook and Newtown. Police will also be out in force during December carrying out breathalysing checks to ensure the city's roads are safe.