Pull out your pinny and whip up a pav

Wednesday 7 December 2011, 12:57PM

By Pead PR


Berry topped pav
Berry topped pav Credit: Pead PR


Dust off Nana’s special recipe and pull out the pinny – Nosh Food Market’s first annual Waikato Pavlova competition is coming to town.

Whip it, fold it, bake it, top it and bring your creamiest creation to Nosh Hamilton for judging by a select group of chefs and food professionals.

The competition comprises three categories with winner and runner-up prizes:

  • Overall
  • Best dressed
  • Kids - up to the age of 15 years.

There is also a special People’s Choice award – from 5.30 to 6.30pm shoppers at Nosh can taste and rate the pavs for themselves. Winner of this category takes home a $200 Nosh hamper.

All winners also receive one month’s supply of FRENZ eggs.

If you think you have the right ingredients, present your best and most famous pav on Friday 16 December.

Competition details

To register:

Email your full name, address and telephone number to You will receive an email confirmation inviting you to bring your Pavlova to Nosh Hamilton between 3-4pm on Friday 16 December for judging.

ENTRIES CLOSE on Wednesday 14 December at 9am.

For full terms and conditions visit


Your best home-made Pavlova to enter the categories below:

  • Overall
  • Children’s
  • Best dressed Pav
  • People’s Choice


Friday 16 December between 3 and 4pm


Nosh Hamilton, Cnr Ulster and Mill Street, Hamilton

Judging criteria

  • Meringue appearance & consistency
  • Size/shape of the Pavlova
  • Taste
  • Texture
  • Overall presentation/decoration

Winners and runners up will be notified by phone on Saturday 17 December by 12 noon.


The winner of the Overall and Best Dressed categories each receives one $300 Nosh Dosh Voucher

The runner up in these each category receives a $100 Nosh hamper.

The winner of the kids category receives $100 Nosh Dosh, $100 Nosh Hamper and cookbooks for kids. The runner up in this category receives a $100 Nosh Christmas Hamper.

The winner of the People’s Choice Award receives $200 Nosh hamper. No runner up in this category.

Get cracking!