Use a bit less, make a big difference

Thursday 8 December 2011, 1:38PM

By Hutt City Council



Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace is appealing to residents to use a bit less water this summer.

A water storage lake is undergoing maintenance and will not be available for this summer which is predicted to be long and hot.

“Everyone should start using a bit less water now to ensure there is sufficient capacity available to cope with the dry mid-summer months to come,” he said.

Greater Wellington Regional Council is upgrading the storage lake to increase capacity and undertake seismic strengthening.

“We have faced water constraints in the past but this year shortages will be compounded with one storage facility out of action,” he said.

Hutt City Council is joining with councils in Upper Hutt, Porirua and Wellington to coordinate messages alongside the regional council.

“Use a bit less, make a big difference’ is the clear message being presented across the region this summer.

“Garden watering restrictions are already in place across all councils to encourage people to use water responsibly. There will be water patrols going around the city to encourage residents to comply with restrictions.

“The strategy is for everyone to use less now and avoid the need for greater restrictions on water use during the predicted dry months of February through to April.

“We can all do our part, both outdoors and within the house. Just turning the tap off while cleaning your teeth, or washing only full loads of dishes or laundry can achieve good savings,” he said.

Water saving tips


  • Use mulch to keep moisture in
  • Choose plants that suit local conditions
  • Control hosing with a flow trigger



  • Fix leaks – taps, toilets, pipes
  • Put a bottle of water in your cistern to reduce flush amounts
  • Choose water efficient appliances


For more water saving tips visit