Nelson Bays Police concerned at number of drinking drivers

New Zealand Police

Sunday 1 January 2012, 6:51AM

By New Zealand Police



Nelson Bays Police are concerned at the number of people driving with excess breath alcohol during New Year celebrations.

Acting Area Commander Inspector Ross Lienert said "19 people gave positive breath tests as at 0500hrs this morning which is very high. This is of particular concern given the given the high number of road deaths already over the Christmas holiday period. It seems some people just do not think of the consequences of their actions and the impact their actions may have on others".

Driving offending aside, Inspector Lienert is pleased with the overall behaviour of people in the Nelson region. "There were only 29 arrests mainly for disorder and alcohol related offences and another 25 warnings which is pretty good".

Although the number of people in the region was down a bit this year due to the recent rain, this continues a trend over the last 8 years where the approach to New Years Eve has changed. Police now work closely with community partners and the public with the aim of preventing problems before they happen. Having a high level of visibility in the days leading up to New Years Eve, educating the public, and getting to know our visitors are examples of this preventative approach. "The formula works well" said Inspector Lienert.

"I would like to wish everyone a safe 2012"