Mayor Sponsors 'Green Paper for Vulnerable Children' Seminars

Dunedin City Council

Thursday 19 January 2012, 11:45AM

By Dunedin City Council



His Worship the Mayor of Dunedin, Dave Cull, is sponsoring free public attendance at the Dunedin seminar about the ‘Green Paper for Vulnerable Children’.

The Government has launched this discussion paper to give people and communities a say on how New Zealand can better protect abused, neglected and disadvantaged children.

Mayor Cull says, “I am very pleased to have been able to make these places available to the public for this seminar. All children are vulnerable and it is our responsibility, as adults, to ensure they have room to grow and develop safely and to their potential.

“This green paper offers an opportunity for us all, as members of New Zealand society, to actively take part in ensuring the safety of those children who are most at risk.”

The seminar will be held at the Otago Museum’s Hutton Theatre, from 10.30am – 4pm on Thursday, 9 February. The free places are available to anyone although numbers are limited so registration is essential. To register, please contact Marama Jackson at

Speakers at the seminar include:
- Mai Chen, ChenPalmer, Privacy Act: Barrier or Opportunity to Minimise Harm to Vulnerable Children?
- Dr Tony Burton, Principal Advisor, Treasury, Addressing the funding barriers to providing effective services for vulnerable children.
- Dr Ben Mathews, School of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Does the protection of vulnerable children require a system of mandatory reporting of abuse/neglect?
- Dr Nicola Atwool, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Sociology, Gender and Social Work, University of Otago, Does the Green Paper for Vulnerable Children reflect best practice and robust research?

More information about the ‘Green Paper for Vulnerable Children’ is available at