New Whale Watch Website Makes a Splash!

Monday 23 January 2012, 2:01PM

By Whale Watch


New Whale Watch Website
New Whale Watch Website Credit: Whale Watch Kaikoura


Christchurch web company hairyLemon and award winning eco-tourism operator Whale Watch launched the Kaikoura-based whale watching company’s new website the week before Christmas 2011.

The new site features innovative design and user friendly navigation, with multiple language options and links to Whale Watch’s pages on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Chinese social media sites Weibo and Youku.

Whale Watch COO Kauahi Ngapora says "This website is the culmination of over 3 years of review and modification but is by no means the end as continued review and improvement will be a necessary process.”

“Online is an important part of our marketing mix and allows us to connect directly with our guests in a wide range of ways while offering a 24/7 portal regardless of country or time zone.

“We have been working in partnership with Hairy Lemon for around 3 years to assist with the delivering our online strategy by leveraging their knowledge and expertise, which has been hugely beneficial for us and a key component in the development of this new website.

“We look forward to the continuation of this relationship as we look to review, shape and deliver our online strategy."

Reaction since the launch from the company’s customers has been overwhelmingly positive, with people enjoying the strong visual appeal of the site, and the highlighting of whales and the beautiful Kaikoura Peninsula region.

As with many other South Island tourism operators, Whale Watch has felt the impact of the Canterbury earthquakes and the resulting decline in tourists flying into the South Island, however the New Zealand attraction is still running fully booked tours over the peak season.

“We are very proud to see the Whale Watch site launched,” says hairyLemon CEO Sue Wilkinson.

“Working with operators like the Whale Watch team is a pleasure for us, particularly as we have been able to develop a long term relationship that supports their online presence and helps them target growing markets in China in particular.”

Both companies are looking forward to measuring the impact of the new site, and continuing to evolve Whale Watch’s online presence through a range of strategies.