Earthquake Recovery Plan

Tuesday 21 February 2012, 3:01PM

By Wellington City Council



In last week's Our Wellington page we reminded people to check their household's emergency supplies and refresh bottled water and food. This week we want to remind people to have a plan for their household.

Make sure your family has a plan should an earthquake strike while you're at home

Some things to consider include:

- Where the safe areas are in your house during an earthquake.

- How and where you will meet up during and after a disaster.

- Where to store emergency survival items and who will be responsible for maintaining supplies.

- What you will each need in your getaway kits and where to keep them.

- What you should do for members of the household, family or community with a disability or special requirement.

- What you should do for your pets, domestic animals or livestock.

- How and when to turn off the water, electricity and gas at the main switches in your home.

For more information on working out a plan for your household and loved ones, visit:

Prepare for an Emergency