Migrants get prepared

Tuesday 28 February 2012, 2:47PM

By Hutt City Council



Most Kiwis are familiar with what to do in the event of an earthquake, but the same can’t always be said of new migrants.

The Hutt Valley’s settlement support co-ordinator, Vesna West, says it is hardly surprising that many people newly arrived in the country have little knowledge of what to do in the event of an earthquake, flooding or tsunami. The risk of such things, geographically speaking, may be quite remote, and public safety campaigns are often limited or non-existent.

To fill that knowledge gap, Vesna runs free seminars on emergency preparedness. The next one will be held on March 13 from 6pm till 7pm at i-SITE, opposite the council offices on Laings Road. The presenter will be Kathryn Nankivell, an emergency management advisor. Kathryn will give newcomers tips on how to look after themselves and their families when disaster strikes.

Vesna says the seminars typically attract several dozen people. Later in the month she is running seminars on preparing a CV, searching for jobs and job interviews. For details, go to