Facebook Timeline For Business Pages - How To Prepare

Thursday 1 March 2012, 2:55PM

By Number 8 Media


Manchester United uses Timeline's 'history' feature to their advantage
Manchester United uses Timeline's 'history' feature to their advantage Credit: mashable
McDonalds make the most of the new options
McDonalds make the most of the new options Credit: mashable

Since the roll out of profile timelines, businesses have been perched on the edge of their seats in anticipation for the display orientated layout to be available for business pages. That time is near! You can all collectively breathe a sigh of relief and start getting prepared for D-day, a short 30 days from now.

On March 31st it goes live, (or 30th if you’re in the States), but there is plenty you can do ahead of time so that your page stands out from the rest.

Prepare a cover photo. The changes to the format means that your old profile pic is now void - you can still have the thumbnail, but the long narrow image will be tossed to the curb and replaced by a 851px x 315px panoramic header pic. Whilst frustrating to have to lose your old image, there is plenty of fun stuff you can do with a cover photo, and you can fit heaps more in than with the narrow one.

Go through your business’s history and find some fun and interesting information and pictures that are relevant to the image you’re portraying on Facebook. With the chronological layout of timeline, and the endless scroll, customers can easily look through the history of your company, right back to date of conception should you chose to list that far, without ever reaching the ‘fold’ of the Facebook page and going no further. If your company is an old one, include pictures of past buildings, staff, and projects. Founder profiles, historical staff events, old products, anything. The possibilities are endless.

Use this upcoming month to weed out unimportant, uninteresting or irrelevant posts and images, and to update your information, photos and videos. Add a map if your business is one where customers visit, this will be displayed at the top of the page under the cover photo in the new format.

When the 31st rolls around, you’ll be all ready to go and ahead of your competitors. If you’re really keen, you can change your page over anytime you’re ready between now and then - go on, bite the bullet!

Want to know how Timeline will affect your business page?

Visit Number 8 Media at or call on 07 849 0289