Authorities to Monitor Intersection

Thursday 29 March 2012, 1:07PM

By New Zealand Police



The two new give way rules came into effect on Sunday the 25th of March and to date most Counties Manukau motorists appear to understand the new rules and are taking a cautious approach at intersections.

However local authorities in Manurewa have identified the Intersection of Hill Road and Grande Vue Road as being a problem intersection.

To facilitate efficient peak hour traffic flow a 'Give Way' sign has been erected at the intersection requiring motorist turning left from Hill Road into Grande Vue Road to give way to right turning traffic from Hill Road.

Police would like to reiterate that when approaching an intersection where your route is controlled by a give way sign, you must give way to other approaches without give way or stop controls

Sergeant Geoff McCarthy of the Manurewa Police says, "Essentially the implementation of the new Give Way sign means that this intersection should operate exactly the same as it did prior to the new rules. We are monitoring this intersection at peak traffic times to assist traffic safety and driver education. Additional signage has been placed at the intersection and transport authorities are looking into further measures that could assist the flow of traffic through this intersection."

Sergeant Geoff McCarthy Counties Manukau Police