Great Opportunities Coming with Ultra-Fast Broadband

New Plymouth District Council

Wednesday 18 April 2012, 12:44PM

By New Plymouth District Council



The launch of ultra-fast broadband in New Plymouth District is a technology milestone for the region, says Mayor Harry Duynhoven.

Today (Wednesday) the Government held the official launch of the deployment of ultra-fast broadband in New Plymouth.

By the time Ultrafast Fibre and Transfield Services have completed the installation, about 415km of fibre would have been laid along the city’s roads.

Mayor Harry Duynhoven says the potential opportunities from the technology are exciting for the future of the region.

“Ultra-fast broadband is a step-change in technology,” he says. “Just as the harnessing of electricity went on to reshape business and leisure, ultra-fast broadband will open doors that we can’t even imagine yet.

“Taranaki has a heritage of innovation, and I believe we’ll see great ideas from residents and businesses that will become world-leading projects.”

Among the potential benefits from ultra-fast broadband are:

  • Improved business productivity through enhanced collaboration and information sharing.
  • Better, faster and more convenient patient care with the introduction of tele-health technologies and the rapid transfer of medical records.
  • Improved student engagement, literacy and numeracy.
  • Enormously expanded opportunities for home business and home entertainment.
  • Home-to-home video conferencing, and health and education applications in the home.


“Once the infrastructure is installed, it will be up to us – the businesses and residents – to take this opportunity to make New Plymouth District a leader in digital technologies,” says the Mayor.