Have your say on Auckland Council's draft community funding policy

Tuesday 24 April 2012, 5:27PM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Council is encouraging people to have their say on a new draft policy, which proposes how community funding should be allocated across the region.

The draft Community Funding Policy is now available for public feedback until 5pm Friday 18 May.

The draft policy proposes a new, consistent way to allocate funding to ensure all groups are treated the same across the region.

It also proposes that funding is allocated based on the outcomes of a group’s proposed activities and their impact on the community, and how it links to key council strategic documents, such as local board plans and the Auckland Plan.

The region’s former councils had a range of policies and schemes for community funding, but they are all different.

Councillor Ann Hartley, Auckland Council’s Regional Development and Operations Committee chair, says the new draft policy ensure consistency and transparency across the region.

“This policy aims is to create common arrangements across the region that are simple, transparent and fair to all Auckland community groups,” she says.

“We encourage the community to have their say on this draft policy; their feedback will be considered when the final polices are developed.”

Auckland Council is required to streamline and simplify all the policies and bylaws adopted by the former councils by 2015.

Once adopted, the new Community Funding Policy will take effect on 1 July 2012.
For more information on the policy and to have your say, visit or call 09 301 0101. Alternatively, submission packs are available at your local library, council service centre, community facilities or local board office.