Aggravated Robbery in Taupo

Tuesday 8 May 2012, 12:25PM

By New Zealand Police



Taupo Police are seeking the public’s help to find two men involved in an aggravated robbery at 10pm on Monday (7th May 2012) at the Mole and Chicken Restaurant on Taharepa Road, Taupo.

Detective Senior Sergeant Todd Pearce said three staff were accosted at the back of the restaurant by two Polynesian or Maori men, one armed with a screwdriver and the other with a firearm.

All staff were threatened with the firearm and directed back inside, where they were made to lie on the ground, while one of the offenders stole money from the cash registers and personal items belonging to one of the staff.

Mr Pearce said while thankfully no-one was hurt or injured during the robbery, all staff were extremely shaken and had been referred to Taupo Victim Support Services.

The two offenders then escaped in a staff member's vehicle, a red 1993 Commodore utility, registration SE4368.

Mr Pearce said both offenders shared a similar description and have been described as:

• Male Maori or Polynesian
• 5 foot 6" – 5 foot 7"
• Solid to fat build
• One offender wore a dark coloured facial scarf and the other a light or possibly white-coloured scarf across his face
• Both wore black hooded sweatshirts, and black pants, gloves and shoes
• The firearm has been described as a shotgun.

Mr Pearce said detectives would today be carrying out a full scene examination, as well as interviewing the victims and neighbouring home owners, as part of Police inquiries to identify those responsible.

“We are seeking the public’s help to identify anyone who may fit the general description of the offenders or who knows who is responsible.  People are also asked to keep an eye out for the stolen vehicle, but are warned not to approach it or the occupants, as the offenders are considered dangerous and could still be armed".

Information can be provided directly to Taupo Police, ph (07) 378 6060 or anonymously through Crimestoppers, freephone 0800 555 111.