10-Year Plan

Friday 11 May 2012, 5:30PM

By Hamilton City Council



Every three years all councils must provide a detailed plan which sets out their programme for the next 10 years, how much it will cost and what it will deliver to the city. Hamilton is a great place to live and work, and we are a significant city within New Zealand.

However as a city we're facing significant financial challenges. This proposed Plan is about living within our means, getting debt under control, returning to surplus and providing for our growing city in a sustainable way. It is about getting the city and its finances back on track.
2012-22 10-Year Plan Submissions
The 2012-22 draft 10-Year Plan was open for submissions from 19 March – 19 April 2012.
A total of 724 submissions were received, with just under 200 people requesting to speak at the Council hearings in support of their written submission. The hearings will begin on 14th May 2012.
The PDF document below provides a list of submitters (submission number, name and organisation), with links to the submission documents. Click on these links to bring up the information.


(Please note that the links to the submission documents may not work on iPads)

Please contact the Strategy and Research Unit if you have any questions about the submissions or the hearings.

Further Information

For further information on the 10-Year Plan visit:

View Council's previous Long Term Council Community Plans under internal links.