Open letter re older Aucklanders
Grey Power
Age Concern
Franklin Senior Citizens Group
Dear Chris
We have spoken at length about the impact of rates increases on the elderly and the inequities of the current system. The Council’s proposal in the Long-term Plan (LTP) to charge the Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) by separately used or inhabited parts (SUIPs) rather than per rating unit, has given particular emphasis to our shared concerns.
The introduction of the policy would impact on older residents living in retirement homes under a “licence to occupy” option in the former Manukau and Franklin territorial authority areas. All other former councils already used SUIPs as a way to reflect the development on any given property. Through the amalgamation of former authorities, Auckland Council will shortly agree to a new rating policy. I have chosen to support the SUIP proposal, given the alternative would result in the redistribution of $22 million across the general rate.
Under central government’s rates rebate scheme these residents would not be entitled to a rebate as they are not the owner of the property. I wrote to the Minister of Local Government in February to raise my concerns and asked that he consider making changes to the scheme to allow “licence to occupy” residents to qualify for a rebate. This would not only solve the issue faced by affected ratepayers in Manukau and Franklin but will benefit those already paying UAGCs on a SUIP basis under their former council rating policy if they are in a “licence to occupy” situation.
The minister has yet to respond to my letter, which I have enclosed for your information. I will continue to lobby the new Minster of Local Government on your behalf, but to help affected ratepayers in the medium-term, I have proposed a UAGC rebate or grant policy that is being developed by officers for consideration with the final LTP at the end of June.
Thank you for your continued advocacy on behalf of elderly Aucklanders.