Mayor announces free pools for kids

Wednesday 23 May 2012, 6:24PM

By Auckland Council



Access to Auckland’s council-owned swimming pools will be free to children 16 years and under following a decision at today’s Strategy and Finance Committee meeting.

The decision comes after months of discussion between councillors, local boards and input from the community as the council moves to formulate a single policy across Auckland, a move the mayor describes as bitter-sweet.

“From day one this debate has been bitter-sweet. Sweet because we are doing something amazing for all of Auckland’s kids, and bitter because for Manukau this is the one thing they feared the most from amalgamation,” says Len Brown.

The original proposal put forward by the Mayor was for universal free access to swimming pools across the region, as is currently the case for the six Manukau City pools.

“As we strive to put in place fees and charges across the region that are fair to all, this is my very best fall-back position.

“After 17 years of debating this throughout my political career I remain assured that this is, and always has been, about the kids.”

During the debate the mayor also touched on the importance of learn to swim programmes and his desire to bring free swimming lessons to all our pools.

“We know only too well, following yet another tragedy this week, that teaching our kids to swim should be as important as teaching them to ride a bike,” says the Mayor.