Me and Tom Scott: live on stage

Wednesday 30 May 2012, 3:56PM

By Massey University



Family and friends of Massey’s Wellington graduates will be able to watch this Thursday’s graduation ceremonies – and guest speaker Tom Scott – live online for the first time.

The University began live streaming graduation last year when it trialled the system in Manawatu. This year, Massey’s Graduation Live initiative has been extended to Massey campuses nationwide. Graduates can tag the precise moment at which they cross the stage to receive their scroll, and share this on social media.

On Thursday 626 students will graduate in two ceremonies at the Michael Fowler Centre. Seven will receive the highest academic award, a doctoral degree (PhD); 56 will gain a master’s degree. Fifty-two are Maori or Pasifika graduands.

Renowned cartoonist, writer, playwright, comedian and Massey alumnus Tom Scott will give the keynote address at both ceremonies. In 1972, Mr Scott graduated from Massey with a Bachelor of Science in physiology, and in 2002, the University awarded him an honorary doctorate. He also has personal links with the less formal side of Massey graduation: in his youth, he edited Masskerade 69, one of the most outrageous capping magazines in New Zealand’s history.

To watch Massey’s Wellington graduations live click here.

Videos are posted to Massey’s YouTube channel within 24 hours.

Details of the Wellington ceremonies:
Thursday May 31 at 9.30am
Professional and Continuing Education, New Zealand School of Music, College of Creative Arts, College of Education
Thursday May 31 at 2.30pm
College of Business, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College Sciences

Attendance at the graduation ceremonies is by invitation only.