First meat chicken provider to receive the big Blue Tick from SPCA

Thursday 7 June 2012, 5:07PM

By Royal New Zealand SPCA


<p>The Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RNZSPCA) is proud to present the <em>Rangitikei Corn Fed Free Range Chicken</em> range with its independent SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; of accreditation; making it the first Meat Chicken producer to carry this strong seal of endorsement in New Zealand.<br /> <br /> The SPCA&rsquo;s Blue Tick programme is the only independently audited animal welfare set of standards in New Zealand.&nbsp; The auditing of these standards is carried out on a regular basis by independent auditors and also involves numerous &lsquo;spot&rsquo; checks. The SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick, is therefore an on-going guarantee to consumers, that the products they are purchasing have been farmed to the high welfare standards set by the SPCA; from &lsquo;paddock to plate&rsquo;.<br /> <br /> The SPCA Blue Tick is a seal of (animal welfare) endorsement on a select number of egg and pork products, currently. By achieving the high standards of the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo;, the Rangitikei Corn Fed Free Range Chicken range, is now widening the range of SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; animal meat products that Kiwi consumers can easily identify and buy; whilst helping to promote better farming and retail practices in New Zealand, as a whole.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;Chicken is the number one choice for protein at the supermarket for Kiwis*,&rdquo; says Juliette Banks, National Accreditation &amp; Marketing Manager (SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo;). &ldquo;We are therefore absolutely delighted to be awarding the Rangitikei Corn Fed Free Range Chicken range with the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; and together, provide consumers with a humane choice when looking to purchase their poultry (chicken) meat.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;With the compassion and investment made by the Rangitikei farms, to comply with the rigorous standards set by the programme, we believe they will be rewarded greatly by giving the consumer a purchasing choice. As a result, we want this to be a clear message to other producers, distributors and retailers that the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; is a win for the welfare of the animals first and foremost but they will be rewarded in-store as well.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Brenda Galbraith, Rangitikei Marketing Manager, also believes the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; is a badge their farmers will honour every single day. &ldquo;Our farmers are really proud to be awarded the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; for their work in providing between 1-1.5million chickens (each year) a better standard of welfare. Everyone at Rangitikei farms sees this tick not only as a seal of approval but as an un-breakable promise to our chickens, our consumers and the NZ community, that we will work hard to excel in these standards every single day.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> With a chicken meat provider now branded with the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo;, the SPCA is continuing to making headway working with other animal meat providers, such as veal, salmon and turkey, in order to improve the lives of more farmed animals in NZ.<br /> <br /> Juliette Banks continues &ldquo;With Poultry being in pole position when it comes to Kiwis purchasing meat each day, we are absolutely determined to deliver further humanely farmed poultry options to their table.<br /> <br /> &ldquo;As well as providing consumers with genuine options, the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; is also about providing awareness, that as a consumer they can make a huge difference to the lives of farmed animals in New Zealand. The SPCA will continue to work with producers and retailers, but it is with their purchasing power that producers and retailers will be commercially influenced to follow.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> The Rangitikei Corn Fed Free Range Chicken products that carry the SPCA &lsquo;Blue Tick&rsquo; include: Fresh Whole Chickens and a range of Fresh Portions and Cuts, including Breasts, Thighs and Drumsticks.</p>