Disgraced Lawyer Gerald McKay hires PR man

Tuesday 12 June 2012, 4:53AM

By John Creser


Gerald George McKay
Gerald George McKay Credit: GM

A Napier lawyer at the centre of Law Society charges against himself and a former practice partner, has hired an Australian online reputation manager to boost his flagging reputation on the world wide web.

Formerly the president of the New Zealand Trustees Association, Mr Mackay said all charges will be defended with two of the country's top Queen's Counsel appointed to represent them.Gerald McKay, said charges against himself and Richard Hill, also of Napier, were "technical" and a defence statement had been filed on his behalf by John Upton QC, of Wellington. 

The two Napier lawyers had been partners in Napier firm McKay Hill, until ormer Mr Hill withdrew in 2006, after which he retained a link as a consultant. Mr McKay's practice certificate was suspended by the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal pending inquiries relating to McKay Hill trust accounts.

A decision in June  2010 granted the standards committee application for Mr McKay's interim suspension, which was opposed by Mr Upton on Mr McKay's behalf, the tribunal said allegations against Mr McKay were "very serious" and it was desirable that the winding down of the practice "be carried out by others".

Clients were given assurances that the funds were protected, .but in February 2011, the liquidators appointed to the mortgage company run from the offices McKay-Hill have recovered very little of the $2.1 million owed to investors who put their trust the former president of the New Zealand Trustees Association.

The Central Mortgage Trust Limited was placed in liquidation after the Law Society froze the McKay Hill trust account, and in his six-monthly report, liquidator Kenneth Brown from RHB Chartered Accountants said he could give no assurance as to how much money would be realised.

Less than $9000 in loan repayments and interest had been received since the liquidation."Collection of funds has proved difficult and in some cases impossible," the report said. Lawyers Richard Hill and Gerald McKay, who was a director of the company, had been providing assistance.Police are still investigating the irregularities in McKay Hill's trust account.

Mr McKay has now paid a public relations company to launch two websites, and The sites are registered in the name of Ewan Watt, who is the founder and director of, which according to their website provides online reputation management services,  the following is the text describing Mr McKay as a renowned & reputable New Zealand lawyer.

Gerald McKay Reputable Lawyer in New Zealand.

Gerald McKay is a New Zealand based solicitor, adjudicator and mediator with an impressive background in law. McKay is invested in the community, owing to his extensive education, career and business pursuits in both New Zealand and around the globe. Gerald McKay is a respected figure in the New Zealand legal system.

Gerald McKay – Education & Career

Gerald McKay has undertaken study at various high level institutes throughout New Zealand and around the globe. He has attended four universities in total, allowing him to develop a large base of knowledge across various curricular.

McKay began his studies at Victoria University of Wellington, graduating in 1968 with a Bachelor of Law (LLB) before continuing with his Master of Law (LLM) in 1969. He minored in taxation, company law, estate planning and trustee law.

In his last year at Victoria University of Wellington, Gerald McKay was made partner at Dowling & Co. He was employed there for 18 years, showing his commitment and loyalty to the firm that gave him his big break. After completing his Certificate in Management of the Legal Practice at the University of New England in Australia, McKay co-founded McKay Hill Solicitors, of which is he was a senior partner. The firm specialises in alternative dispute resolution amongst other areas.

Today, Gerald McKay has his own firm, B.B Consulting, where he is the commercial and business consultant for law and investment. The company was established in June 2010. McKay also recently completed his PhD at Melbourne’s La Trobe University.

McKay’s Community Involvement

Gerald McKay’s involvement in the community has positioned him as an upstanding citizen that continually gives back. He is a board member, life member and foundation trustee of the New Zealand Rugby Foundation, as well as being a part-time lecturer and examiner in Commercial, Property and Trustee Law at the Eastern Institute of New Zealand. McKay’s most recognisable involvement is with the Employment Law Institute of New Zealand, of which he is member. The institute is set up to promote and further the standards of employment in the industry.

Gerald McKay is renowned as a hard working, studied and generous legal practitioner with a career in law spanning decades.

Gerald McKay Renowned Lawyer Residing In NZ

Gerald McKay is a New Zealand based lawyer with an impressive background in the legal system. McKay is able to balance his legal duties with prominent work in various groups throughout the community. He has also studied extensively, both in New Zealand and abroad.

Gerald McKay in the Community

Gerald McKay’s he continually endeavoured to give back to the community. He is a board member, life member and foundation trustee of the New Zealand Rugby Foundation, along with being a part-time lecturer and examiner in Commercial, Property and Trustee Law at the Eastern Institute of New Zealand. McKay’s is also a member with the Employment Law Institute of New Zealand, which is set up to promote and further professional standards of employment.

McKay’s Education & Career History

Gerald McKay has undertaken study at various institutions throughout New Zealand and Australia. He has attended four universities in total, allowing him to develop a well rounded knowledge base a number of renowned places of learning.

McKay began his studies at Victoria University of Wellington, graduating in 1968 with a Bachelor of Law (LLB) before completing his Master of Law (LLM) in 1969. He minored in taxation, company law, estate planning and trustee law.

In his last year at Victoria University of Wellington, McKay was made partner at Dowling & Co where he worked 18 years. After completing his Certificate in Management of the Legal Practice at the University of New England in Australia, McKay co-founded McKay Hill Solicitors, of which is he was a senior partner. The firm specialised in alternative dispute resolution amongst other areas of legal practice.

Currently, Gerald McKay has his own firm, B.B Consulting, which was established in June 2010. He is the commercial and business consultant for law and investment. McKay also recently completed his PhD at Melbourne’s La Trobe University.

It is through this involvement in the community, along with extensive education throughout NZ and Australia, Gerald McKay has established himself as a renowned figure in the industry.

