Mayor takes action on central city alcohol issues

Auckland Council

Wednesday 13 June 2012, 1:59PM

By Auckland Council



The taskforce established by the Mayor have today agreed on actions to reduce alcohol-related antisocial behaviour on Auckland’s inner-city streets.

”As Aucklanders, we own this street – it’s the heart of our city – we have a right to expect the city centre to be safe, friendly, clean and exciting,” says Len Brown.

At its first meeting, the taskforce produced an action plan that includes:

  • voluntary one-way door policies and investigating a broader night bus service, with better alignment between hospitality trading hours and public transport;
  • increased community-based patrols, including Maori, Pacific and Asian wardens;
  • improved car park lighting and establishing parking limits targeting five ‘pre-loading’ hot spots;
  • instant fines for breaching liquor bans;
  • improved on-street management of queues;
  • active enforcement to eliminate the sale of single drinks from off-licence outlets;
  • increased visibility of security officers;
  • Auckland Council’s liquor licensing rapid response teams working more closely with NZ Police.

“I am determined that we act decisively to make inner city Auckland a place where people feel safe while enjoying its entertainment and hospitality, and coming and going from their homes and jobs.”

The taskforce has also sent a clear message to government that it needs move forward with the Alcohol Reform Bill that aims to give council the tools to implement its own alcohol strategy and local alcohol plans.

“The bill will give the council greater ability to address the impact of alcohol in the community and on the streets,“ says the Mayor.

“Alcohol consumption and its impact on community safety is a key issue for our society and our city. Nowhere is this more acute than the central city, as Auckland’s entertainment hub, with a growing residential population.”

Auckland Council already works proactively with the New Zealand Police and the community in developing new bylaws and local alcohol plans. The new taskforce will extend on this cooperation.

“The issue of alcohol and community safety is not just a matter for the council,” says the Mayor. “This is something that we can only tackle with the cooperation of government, the police and our community as a whole.”

”This taskforce has very clear objectives - we want to curb anti-social behaviour fuelled by alcohol and make sure inner-city Auckland is a welcoming and safe environment for residents, workers and visitors.”

The taskforce is made up of key stakeholders, including the council and police, and has been formed at the direction of Mayor Len Brown to address alcohol and safety issues within Auckland’s central city. It will meet again in two weeks time.