Wellington Police investigating robbery of Fix convenience store

Friday 15 June 2012, 5:10PM

By New Zealand Police


CCTV image
CCTV image Credit: New Zealand Police


Wellington Police are investigating the robbery of the Fix convenience store on Cuba Street in the early hours of this morning.

Wellington CIB Acting Detective Sergeant Sam Mercer says a man entered the store shortly before 1:30am this morning, disguised with a scarf over his face.

"The offender spoke briefly to the store employee before presenting a screw driver and demanding cash from the till. He then made off with a small sum of money."

The offender was described as Maori or Polynesian between 25 and 30 years old and clean shaven. He was around 5 foot 7 to 5 foot 8 in height and of solid build.

He was wearing a distinctive cap, with a white, grey and black 'digital' camouflage pattern on it. He wore a black hooded jacket, dark jeans, and a black and white back pack.

"We would like to hear from anyone who recognises this offender or the clothing worn by him, or who saw anything suspicious in the Cuba Street area in the early hours of this morning."

Anyone with any information should phone Wellington Police on (04) 381 2000 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.