First grants from Mayoress' Fund for Youth
Nearly $150,000 is going towards boosting young Aucklanders’ health, wellbeing and career prospects from the Mayoress’ Fund for Youth.
Mayoress Shan Inglis says she is delighted that the inaugural grants from the independent charitable fund have been made.
“These projects will make a real difference to the lives of thousands of young Aucklanders. Money is tight for families, businesses and non-for-profit organisations, and it is important we support those out there in the community working so hard to improve the lives and futures of our young people.
“I’m very pleased that this fund can contribute towards giving young Aucklanders the best start in life and a future full of opportunities.”
The recipients of the inaugural grants are:
- South Auckland Health Foundation: Kidz First Centre for Youth Health.
- $42,925 towards equipping the new purpose-designed Youth and Community Development Centre in Papatoetoe with facilities needed to deliver holistic youth healthcare and development services in a youth friendly manner and environment. It will benefit young people aged 12 - 20.
- Shakti Legal Advocacy and Family Social Services: Youth Unit
- $32,000 towards supporting 16 – 21-year-old migrant women affected family violence who are at high risk. This pilot project aims to build self-esteem and help these young women reach their potential through a 12-week programme with the option of on-going mentor support if needed.
- Te Waipuna Puawai Mercy Oasis: Young Dads’ Support
- $30,000 towards connecting 18-24 year-old predominantly Maori and Pacific Island fathers to other dads, and supporting positive life skills and decision-making for their own wellbeing and for their children's. This includes parenting, training and employment skills.
- McLaren Park Henderson South Community Initiative: Computer Clubhouse hub West
$37,230 towards supporting West Auckland's first computer clubhouse. Computer Clubhouse is an international concept of a high-tech hub for young people to develop digital technology skills including ICT, music, digital design, robotics and videography. The project encourages young people to work together and focus on positive life skills that can support future employment or enterprise.
The Mayor says the recipients are examples of the important and innovate work being done in the community for Auckland’s young people.
“The Auckland Plan has a key focus on the wellbeing of Auckland’s children and young people. As a region, it is vital we work together – individuals, families, communities, government agencies, Auckland Council and non-profit organisations to help our children realise their full potential. They are Auckland’s future.”
The Mayoress’ Fund for Youth is administered within the Auckland Communities Foundation. Applications for grants are assessed by the Foundation’s independent Research and Grants Committee.
“We received 94 eligible applications with a combined request totalling $2,569,550,” says Auckland Communities Foundation Chief Executive Mark Bentley. “The calibre of the applications was impressive, and our independent expert advisors had a tough challenge to select the recipients.
“These are robust programmes, well-rooted in their communities, working closely with other agencies to get the best outcomes for our young people.”
The Mayoress’ Fund for Youth was established to support the health, well-being, educational opportunities and employment of young people living in Auckland. The fund makes grants from money raised from the annual Westpac Mayoress’ Charity Gala Ball and other fundraising events. The inaugural ball, in November 2011, raised $170,000.
The balance of the funds has been held over to grow the fund for future years in line with the Mayoress’ intention for it to become a long-term legacy for Auckland’s young people.
The 2012 Westpac Mayoress’ Charity Gala Ball is on Saturday 22 September at the Viaduct Events Centre.
The Mayoress’ Fund for Youth:
Mission Statement: To enhance young Aucklanders’ quality of life and help them grow into confident, healthy adults with bright futures by raising funds to support initiatives that focus on health, well-being, education and transition for children and young people.
As a mother and grandmother, Mayoress Shan Inglis believes in an Auckland where every child has the best possible start in life and a future to look forward too. There are many individuals and organisations across our region working tirelessly to better the lives of young Aucklanders, yet New Zealand still has one of the highest rates of preventable illness and death for children in the OECD. More than 2000 young Aucklanders leave school each year without qualifications, and 15-19 year olds are the most over-represented group in unemployment statistics.
For Auckland to become the world’s most liveable city, young Aucklanders must have every opportunity to live healthy, fulfilling lives.
Individuals and businesses are also very welcome to support or contribute to the fund at any time.
The Mayoress’ Fund for Youth sits within Auckland Communities Foundation, an independent not-for-profit foundation providing highly efficient fund administration and grant-making expertise. The fund has its own advisory board that takes an evidence-based approach to grant-making; ensuring that grants support initiatives with proven outcomes that address the real needs of young Aucklanders.
While the Mayoress’ Fund for Youth will distribute funds every year, the Mayoress intends to build a permanent endowment for Auckland’s young people over time. A percentage of funds raised each year will be held within the fund to ensure long-term support for initiatives supporting young Aucklanders.
It is envisaged that the patronage of the fund will pass on to future mayoral partners of Auckland.
The Westpac Mayoress’ Charity Gala Ball was professionally organised and underwritten by Duco Events, with no cost to Auckland Council or ratepayers.