Stratford Community Satisfied

Wednesday 20 June 2012, 1:16PM

By Stratford District Council



Each year Stratford residents are invited to complete a survey, which rates the satisfaction levels of services Council provides.

The response from this year’s annual Customer Satisfaction Survey has seen similar numbers to last year. This year 528 surveys were returned, which is just up on last year’s 516.

"We are yet to complete a full analysis of the responses but at this stage it looks like customers are generally happy with the service Council provides." says Chief Executive Sue Davidson.

"The response shows the community is interested in voicing their opinion of Council’s performance.", Ms Davidson says, "We particularly take note of any written comments made, ensuring we are providing the required level of service and also where we can target improvements. We’d like to thank all of those who have taken the time to respond to our questions, we hope you will continue to share your opinions with Council."

The surveys were delivered early in May and results from the survey will be printed in the Stratford Press in the next couple of months.