Operation Fender Bender - Auckland Motorways Police

Wednesday 27 June 2012, 1:21PM

By New Zealand Police



Auckland Motorways Police are giving inattentive and distracted drivers specific attention this week in an effort to significantly reduce the large number of crashes that occur annually on the network of motorways in Metropolitan Auckland.

Operation Fender Bender will continue until midnight Sunday. Its objective is to educate motorists on how to improve their following distances and also reduce driver distraction. Five hundred education packs have been prepared for distribution to drivers. These packs provide information on stopping distances, seatbelt restraints, the new give way rule, and details about following too close.

Inspector Shanan Gray, Manager, Auckland Motorways Police says almost 2,000 crashes are attended by his staff each year, with 57% identified as nose to tail incidents. Drivers are either following too close or they have taken their eyes off the road.

“Judging the correct following distance is both practical and simple. In normal weather conditions a driver should apply the two second rule. During wet or severe weather the four second rule is more applicable,” he said.

“Motorway Patrol Officers will not hesitate to issue offence notices to drivers who are following too close, or to those who continue to use cell phones while driving. All drivers stopped this week will be breath tested,” Inspector Gray said.

NOTE: The penalty for driving too close is $150 infringement fine, and the penalty for using a cell phone while driving is $80 plus 20 demerit points. For a full explanation of the “two” and “four” second rule please visit the New Zealand Transport Agency website at