Progress on tackling central city alcohol issues
Work is progressing well in three keys areas to minimise alcohol-related harm in central Auckland, based on an action plan developed by the Mayoral Taskforce.
The Mayoral Taskforce on Central City Alcohol and Community Safety met for the second time today, two weeks on from its first meeting.
“I am impressed with the commitment and willingness of the taskforce to find solutions to an issue that affects us all,” says Len Brown. “We’re making good progress on the action plan, particularly in three keys areas.”
Auckland Council staff have contacted CBD licensees to request support for the voluntary introduction of one-way doors for bars, clubs and pubs. The council is working to reach agreement on 3am as a common time when one-way doors will apply.
Council staff and police are working with the private owners of car parks and other premises identified as popular ‘pre-loading’ hot spots. Landowners have agreed to implement private liquor bans and let police trespass anyone drinking in these spots. Lighting will also be improved in these spots.
Auckland Council liquor licensing staff have begun to limit the sales of single serve drinks from off-license premises. They are working with operators to cease all single drink sales within an agreed timeframe.
Crowd and queue control initiatives have been agreed between Auckland Council and the Hospitality Association of New Zealand. The use of visibility vests for bar security staff , which has proved successful on Karangahape Rd, is being looked at for other areas of the central city.
And the council is increasing the City Watch team, putting in place an extra team of security staff on the streets to monitor liquor bans.
“Auckland Council is working hard on tackling these issues with the regulations we have to work with, but we are all in this together and we need the police and community to meet us halfway.”
“The single-most important factor in enabling Auckland Council and Aucklanders to minimise alcohol-related harm in our communities will be the Alcohol Reform Bill. I urge the government to move forward on it so the council can fully implement its own alcohol strategy and local alcohol plans with input from communities.”
The Mayor says the council and taskforce partners are acting to make central Auckland a place where people feel safe while enjoying entertainment and hospitality , and coming and going from their homes and jobs.