Stratford district youth council takes on cyberspace

Friday 9 November 2007, 2:58PM

By Stratford District Council


Stratford Credit: Stratford District Council


The Stratford District Youth Council has today broken new territory: they have launched their very own website. This is the first time the Stratford Youth Council has created a website, and it has created quite a buzz.

“We wanted a website that shows a bit of our character and history,” says Youth Councillor Savarna Pease. “The website we came up with was designed with youth in mind, and looks cool. We’re really proud of what we do for Stratford.”

The Stratford Youth Council has been around for 6 years, and has a community projects-based approach, as well as getting involved in local and national youth issues. They tackle issues such as teen drinking, drugs, sexual health, and do their best to encourage Stratford Youth to make positive choices.

Astyn Buckland, Youth Councillor, says “we made our very own website to increase our profile both in and out of Stratford. We have upcoming events and photos of our previous events posted on our site for people to get the low down. We also have a space for us to write about whatever we want, like a blog”.

The concept for the website was developed by the Youth Council as a way of letting people know what’s coming up, but also to show people what the Youth Council does for Stratford.

Chairman Jayne Gulliver invites people to visit the website at and contact the Youth Council with comments, suggestions, and ideas.