Kakariki Track Repairs

Wellington City Council

Tuesday 10 July 2012, 11:48AM

By Wellington City Council



Work is under way to clear a large slip on the Kakariki Road track, which provides access from Marine Parade at Worser Bay up the hill to Khyber Road.

This work will stabilise and repair the path, which has been closed since August, and reduce the risk of further slips.

The Council's Transport Assets Manager, Deven Singh, says it's important to make the area safe for people who use the path, and for people in the six houses underneath it.

"We need to protect against further slips occurring, but we won't know how much work, if any, may be required on this until the slipped area has been cleared."

The first stage of the project, which involves clearing the slip, will take several weeks. While this occurs, part of the Khyber Road lookout will be closed for up to a month to allow earth and rock to be stored there before it is removed.

Engineers will then assess the stability of the upper track area, and decide whether parts of it need to be retained and how this could be done. This phase of the project could take several months, before any construction work is started.

From August, any retaining work and repairs to the damaged sections of the footpath will be carried out. The footpath itself will be reshaped to control surface water run-off, which will reduce the risk of further slips.

"This is a large project that will be done in several phases," says Deven. "Depending on the complexity of the remedial work, it could take up to 15 months."