Mayor in the Chair in Mangere Town Centre

Tuesday 10 July 2012, 12:30PM

By Auckland Council



Len Brown will pull up a chair in Mangere Town Centre on Monday 23 July for his next Mayor in the Chair session.

Mayor in the Chair events are informal lunchtime sessions that allow people to get face to face with their mayor. People are invited to come along, wait their turn, then have a brief one-on-one chat with the Mayor, to ask questions or share their thoughts and concerns about their community. They are held regularly in different locations around Auckland.

Monday 23 July will see the Mayor outside the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17 in the Mangere Town Centre.

“I value the opportunity to get out into Auckland’s many urban villages and just chat to people about their communities.  It is always a pleasure heading south, and I hope people from Mangere and the surrounding areas will drop by.”

“It’s important to me to hear about Aucklanders’ experiences and issues in their own words. Some people drop by just to say ‘hi’ or to tell me what they love about their part of Auckland, others bring concerns they want me to know about.”

“I also like to get out and support the good work our local board members and ward councillors do in their local communities.”

The Mayor will set up his chair outside the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Office from midday until 1pm on Monday 23 May.