Lance O'Sullivan and Alex Bradley turn to Slack Balm to ease discomforts

Tuesday 17 July 2012, 12:15PM

By Media PA


Waikato Rugby Union No.8 Alex Bradley, avid user of Slack Balm
Waikato Rugby Union No.8 Alex Bradley, avid user of Slack Balm Credit: Supplied


What do Waikato Sportspeople Lance O’Sullivan and Alex Bradley ( Waikato and Chiefs No 8 ) have in common? They both use Slack Balm to ease the on going stiffness caused by years of competing at the highest level.

These two along with a litany of other Waikato sporting personalities swear by the instant relief provided by Slack Balm.

The exclusive importers of the product Trevor Harrison and Bryce Waters decided to share it with New Zealanders after Trevor stumbled across it at the Bangkok Races.

The Balm has five main ingredients which work to soothe and relax muscles and it can be  used on Racing Animals as well as humans.

The product has been a hit in the Racing Industry with  many Trainers and more than one Champion Jockey using it regularly.

“After a hard days riding it does wonders to soothe my tired back, shoulders and knees.” Leading Jockey Sam Spratt.

With no previous sales experience and both men having recovered from serious spinal injury the abilities of the product  shows in the fact that over 5000  jars have been sold.

Bryce Waters knows what the product he imports can do better than any-one having had first hand experience of the power of Slack Balm.

The team at Slack Balm also work very closely with the New Zealand Spinal Trust with the charity being the recipient of the money raised from Slack Balms Charity events.

Former NZ Spinal Trust CEO Andrew Hall is himself a user and advocate of Slack Balm. “The Slack Pangpon Balm feels so soothing and cool, I get immediate relief.”

Slack Balm is $29.50 for a 50g bottle.

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

To try contact Trevor and Bryce on:

Phone: 07 888 4310 or 027 280 1842

e-mail :    website:

Mail :   Trevor Harrison and Bryce Waters
            Gripnarna Enterprises
            62 Seddon Street
            Waharoa, 3401,NZ