Minister welcomes Statistics staff back to Christchurch CBD

Thursday 19 July 2012, 6:28PM

By Maurice Williamson


The return of staff members to Statistics New Zealand’s Christchurch office is welcome news for the rebuild of Christchurch, Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson says.

Mr Williamson formally reopened Dollan House, Statistics NZ's Christchurch office today.

The opening marks the culmination of almost 17 months of work to get the building operational after the last year’s February 22 earthquake.

"I am proud that we’ve been able to reopen one of the first buildings in the broader CBD to be brought up to 100 per cent of the requirements of the new building code,” Mr Williamson says.

"Critical work done in the Christchurch office feeds into important statistical data like economic growth, employment, and population.

"While today is about looking to the future we also need to acknowledge the last 17 months and the incredible work from a lot of people to get us here. This building’s been re-piled, rebuilt and renovated, all in a very short space of time.”

The rebuild has also created space in Dollan House for around 45 census staff, allowing all Statistics NZ Christchurch staff to work under the one roof.