Cotton-Top Tamarin Monkey Named

Wednesday 1 August 2012, 4:21PM

By New Plymouth District Council



The newest member of the cotton-top tamarin family now has a name thanks to a Facebook poll run by Brooklands Zoo. The South American-inspired name Inca came out on top by just a single vote.

“We’re thrilled to have a confirmed name for the youngster,” says Assistant Curator Brooklands Zoo Eve Cozzi.

The other shortlisted unisex names were Chico/Chica (30 votes) and Yari (23 votes). The youngster’s sex will not be known for some time while zoo staff remain hands-off for as long as possible.

Inca was born on 26 March this year to Lorenzo and Nephrite. The young monkey will stay with its parents for at least two years so that it learns necessary skills from its parents. Inca may then be transferred to another ZAA-approved facility as part of the Zoo and Aquarium Association’s Australasian breeding programme.

Brooklands Zoo will be celebrating the Day of the Cotton-top Tamarin on the weekend of 11 and 12 August.

“Tamarins in the wild are in desperate need of our help and this is one way for people to learn more,” says Assistant Curator Brooklands Zoo Eve Cozzi.

The Day of the Cotton-top Tamarin is officially 15 August, but zoo staff will be giving tamarin talks at 1pm on both Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 August.  Everyone who comes to a talk will go into a draw to win an encounter with the tamarins directly afterwards (this does not include entering the enclosure).