Hamilton Police investigate domestic violence related sudden death

New Zealand Police

Wednesday 15 August 2012, 11:22AM

By New Zealand Police



Hamilton Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding a domestic violence related unexplained sudden death at a Dinsdale property overnight.

Acting City Area Commander, Inspector John Kelly, said a 111 call was received from a woman stating her intoxicated former partner had arrived at her home about 11.52pm.

"The man entered the house where a struggle has developed between him and the woman's current partner. Two young children were among those present in the house at this time.

"A Police officer has arrived and been invited in by the woman. On entering the officer found two men struggling on the ground and the intruder was restrained with the assistance of a second officer."

Mr Kelly said while officers were making arrangements for the transporting of the offender away from the family's home they became concerned for his well being.

"They describe the man as becoming unresponsive and losing consciousness. Ambulance staff had been on standby nearby and they were called in to examine him and commenced CPR.

"The man was pronounced dead at the scene and an investigation into what at this stage is an unexplained sudden death has begun. The second male involved in the incident was taken to Waikato Hospital by ambulance for a medical examination."

Mr Kelly said the man's body remains at the property and a scene examination will commence at first light.

Further information will be made available later today as the situation surrounding the incident becomes clearer with a view of a further release being made available late this morning.

"The matter will also be reported to the Coroner."