Great Harbour Way a 'Perfect Fit' for Capital

Thursday 30 August 2012, 2:34PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says the inclusion of the Ngauranga to Petone section of the Great Harbour Way cycle and walking path in today's announcement of the Government's transport priorities is an exciting development.

The Great Harbour Way is included in a $1.25 billion package of transport initiatives for the region as part of the National Land Transport Programme for 2012-15, announced by Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee today.

Mayor Wade-Brown, a champion of the Great Harbour Way, says if the Ngauranga to Petone link is properly upgraded it will provide manifold benefits to the region in tourism, health, the economy and better transport choices.

"I look forward to hearing more details about how much money will be committed and how this pathway will actually be upgraded, says Mayor Wade-Brown.

"The Great Harbour Way Te Aranui o Pōneke, when properly completed, will take advantage of one of Wellington's greatest features to provide the ability for people to walk or cycle the entire coastline," says Mayor Wade-Brown.

"This would provide a unique advantage for the Wellington region, something that would really appeal to outdoor-minded travellers as it connects with other key walking and cycling tracks such as the Wairarapa trail and Hutt River Trail.

"Residents would also be able to enjoy a safe cycling and walking link between Hutt City and Wellington that would provide a boost for fitness and leisure while lessening the load on State Highway 2 and the train network. It's a perfect fit for the Wellington region."

Transport portfolio leader Councillor Andy Foster says "There are no real surprises in the package with significant focus on roading capacity, including the controversial flyover option for the Basin Reserve. This all part of Government's well signalled Roads of National Significance programme."

"I'm pleased to see the delivery of the Ngauranga to Aotea Quay improvements and that there will be advanced investigation work on the Petone to Grenada link," says Cr Foster. "Both projects have good benefit cost ratios and will deliver significant benefits for road users and improve access to the Port and industrial areas of Hutt City.

"The support for better walking and cycling networks, especially the Great Harbour Way, is a very positive step reflecting strong support from the Councils and people of the region.

"The ongoing commitment to delivering a more reliable and modern rail and bus system is also essential to the region, especially after so many years of deferred maintenance of the rail system," says Cr Foster.