Police investigate indecent assault on 7- year-old girl

Thursday 6 September 2012, 1:49PM

By New Zealand Police



Police are appealing for information following an indecent assault on a 7-year-old girl in her home at Oceanview Road, Mt Maunganui late on Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning

A man entered the girl's bedroom where she was sleeping with her younger sister and indecently assaulted her.

The man is described as a big person, in his 30's and Maori. He had hair spiked up in the middle and short everywhere else with ear rings in his left ear. He was wearing a blue jacket with white stripes and knee high shorts with a Maori design down both sides.  He also had black running shoes.

Senior Sergeant Lew Warner of Tauranga south Police says the girl is bearing up well given what has happened to her:

"She is being supported by family at this time and has given a good description to Police.

"This is a disturbing incident and it is very important we locate this offender. We are appealing for anyone who has seen suspicious activity in the Sutherland Road and Oceanview area to contact us.

"Have you seen anyone in the area acting in an unusual manner in recent weeks or thought someone may have been in your garden? Maybe you have lost clothing from your washing line?"

"If you have noticed something but aren't sure it is worth mentioning it is important you call us anyway and let Police assess the relevance of what you saw." said Mr Warner.

A detailed scene examination has been completed at the house and detectives are continuing to investigate.

Anyone with information is asked to call Tauranga Police on 07 577 4300. Information can also be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.