Golden Mile Speed Changes
To help improve pedestrian safety on the Golden Mile, we're proposing to lower the speed limit from 30km/h to 20km/h on part of this route. Consultation begins today and Wellingtonians have until Friday 26 October to have a say.
The 20km/h limit would apply on Lambton Quay from Panama Street along to Willis Street, part of Customhouse Quay and Willis to the Manners / Boulcott intersection, and on Manners Street through to Taranaki Street.
The Council's Transport Portfolio Leader, Councillor Andy Foster, says the proposed speed limit change is part of implementing the recommendations from the pedestrian safety review of the Golden Mile, which resulted in two reports being released in August.
"This is about taking action to reduce the risk of another serious crash. We know that for every kilometre per hour we reduce traffic speeds, we can expect a two to three percent reduction in the number of crashes - and lowering the speed limit also reduces the severity of crashes when they occur.
"We estimate that the risk of serious injury for a pedestrian hit by a vehicle travelling at 20km/h is about a third compared to a similar collision at 30km/h."
We're also looking at closing the Bond Street exit for vehicles onto Willis Street, where there have been a number of bus / vehicle crashes, and moving the taxi rank to Mercer Street. This would mean that the Willis Street end of Bond Street would become a more pedestrian friendly space, possibly with room for cafe tables on the footpath.
On Willis Street, a poster bollard has been removed to make sure approaching buses are clearly visible. We also plan to move the telephone box. New seats and cycle stands have been installed to encourage pedestrians to cross at the traffic lights.
NZ Bus supports the proposed speed limit change, and with the Council, is considering options for the front of buses to make them more visible for pedestrians.
If approved by the Council, the speed limit change would come into effect in December.
To make a submission, go to:
Public Input - Lower Speed Limit for Part of the Golden Mile
Or pick up a copy of the form from our libraries or service centre on Wakefield Street. Otherwise phone (04) 499 4444 and we'll post one to you.