Lake search for missing soldier

New Zealand Police

Wednesday 26 September 2012, 12:19PM

By New Zealand Police



A search has resumed this morning for a New Zealand Defence Force soldier who went missing on Lake Moawhango in Waiouru early last night.

Ruapehu Area Commander Inspector Steve Mastrovich says Police and other emergency services were called to Lake Moawhango around 5:40pm last night, after a soldier in his late 20's fell overboard from an inflatable boat whilst returning from a training exercise.

"A search got underway last night, involving NZDF personnel, Police and the Square Trust Rescue Helicopter, however, the missing soldier was not located. The Police National Dive Squad was deployed to Waiouru last night and will begin searching the lake this morning."

NZDF personnel has resumed searching on the water and the shoreline this morning.

Lake Moawhango is situated within the Waiouru training area.

Inspector Mastrovich says the missing soldier’s next of kin has been informed but Police and NZDF will not be releasing the name at this point.

A further update will be provided later today.