Leadership programme to help boost exports

Thursday 27 September 2012, 2:29PM

By Steven Joyce


Kiwi executives will have the chance to learn from successful international business leaders under a leadership programme jointly funded by Government and business, Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says.

Expressions of interest are being invited for the Global Executive Leadership Programme, which provides an opportunity for senior managers to broaden their experience and skills via a programme that spans New Zealand, the United States and China.

The Government through New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is co-investing with businesses in the programme with a total Government contribution of $600,000, which will cover almost 50 per cent of tuition fees. Mr Joyce says the investment was about further developing New Zealand's international leadership capability to help boost export revenues.

“To hit the Government’s target of boosting exports from 30 to 40 per cent of GDP by 2025, we need to develop more internationally competitive businesses out there selling their goods on the world stage,” Mr Joyce says.

“To be successful, and to take advantage of all the opportunities, it is important those businesses are led by individuals who have the right skills, experience, and knowledge of international markets and trends. This programme gives Kiwi executives the chance to learn first-hand from leading global entrepreneurs.”

A maximum of 25 New Zealand chief executives, directors and senior managers will participate in the programme, which is part of NZTE’s suite of services for New Zealand businesses with high-growth export potential.

The programme is being delivered by a partnership between the University of Auckland Business School; United States-based Thunderbird School of Global Management, an internationally recognised provider of global management education; and business growth centre the ICEHOUSE. It will commence on 12 February 2013.

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