Why Australia?? The grass is not greener!

Thursday 27 September 2012, 7:30PM

By Carl Masters


I've been in our West Island for the past 3 weeks catching up with friends who have moved there, in the past 2 years, and finding out what they think of the place and weather or not it's worth us moving there too.
We visited Sydney and Melbourne during our visit.
I asked most people I met about living in Ozzy and the prices.
Each and every single person told me how expensive it is compared to New Zealand plus the quality of the food and living is I ask you this....Why Australia??
Sure the wages are higher but you only get the advantage if:
a) you live in 3rd world conditions or
b) bring the money back home to NZL with you.
I listened to everyone then thought I'd check out the following:
1) Rent prices
2) Food prices
3) Quality of the food and selection
4) Jobs
The first one, Rent prices, were through the roof!
For a 50 square meter apartment near the city center would set you back $950+ AUS per week not including rates etc
The second, food prices, were again so expensive for what you got. Looking at the lower end, a can of baked beans starts at $2.50 AUS.....middle end a loaf of bread was $7.00 AUS....meat was starting at $15 AUS for 500grams of mince......we didn't bother to look at high end products.
The third, Quality of the food and selection: I have to admit, the quality of the food in Australia is bad.
The milk tastes 'plastic', the cheese powdery, the meat has a strange pale redish colour to it and tastes 'interesting', the bread was very salty, sea food was tasteless and the alcohol was very expensive both in the supermarkets and bars. The selection is limited in supermarkets, however if you want more selection you'll have to search local deli's. But you will pay through the nose. $15 for 200 grams of salami.
Next up Jobs. Yes there's alot of jobs but I was informed that it's at a all time low and with their unemployment now reaching an all time high.......the pickings are slim.
I have a friend who is a fully qualified chef, worked in high quality restuarants in the UK and NZ and he can not get a position anywhere.
Another friend who is a lawyer recently lost her job and is struggling to find work. She's been unemployed for the last 5 months!
So why Australia?
After our visit I am struggling to see the point in living in Australia.
New Zealand is alot smaller and compact that's for sure. However, the majority of Kiwi's who moved across the ditch are stuck there wondering why they made the mistake of moving when the grass did look greener.
They are making the money they thought they would, however, they are compromising more than they thought on rent, food and general life style costs compared to New Zealand.
Economies around the world are stuck in bind about what to do next. 
I know my next move....stay and contribute to the New Zealand economy. I suggest we support local business and mow our green lawns and make them more attractive and greener for those of us left.