Recorded crime in Wellington District continuing to decline

Monday 1 October 2012, 3:52PM

By New Zealand Police



Recorded crime across the Wellington District is continuing to decline, according to latest crime statistics released today.

Wellington Police District Commander Superintendent Mike Rusbatch says recorded crime for the 2011/2012 fiscal year is down by 6.5 percent.

"Wairarapa Area has seen the biggest drop in recorded crime during this period, down by 19.6 percent, followed by the Hutt Valley, which is down by 12.9 percent."

The categories across the District where recorded offences fell the most during the 2011/2012 fiscal year include robbery, extortion and related offences (-22.4 percent), acts intended to cause injury (-11.2 percent) and theft and related offences (-7.1 percent).

"Illicit drug offences are up by 22.2 percent on the previous fiscal year. This is a positive result and can be attributed to the concerted effort we have continued to place on organised criminals operating within the Wellington District. We have significantly disrupted the criminal fraternity with our targeted approach, particularly in the Wellington Area."

Burglaries across the District are up 6.4 percent on the previous year. Sexual assault and related offences are up 12.5 percent.

Superintendent Rusbatch says preventing burglaries, and in turn, preventing residents from becoming victims of crime, remains one of the key priorities within the District.

"All Police staff across the Wellington District remain committed to implementing the Prevention First strategy, which puts victims at the heart of policing, preventing crime before it occurs, to ensure all residents can be safe and feel safe."

He says reported crime in the Wellington District has been tracking downwards over the past four years and Police are committed to ensuring this continues.

At a national level, recorded crime continues to drop with recorded offences dropping by 5.2 percent decrease on the previous year.

The overall District resolution rate rose from 42.1 percent in 2010/2011 up to 44.9 per cent in 2011/2012.