Alcohol focus continues to net arrests for ban breaches

New Zealand Police

Tuesday 23 October 2012, 2:08PM

By New Zealand Police



Christchurch police have continued to make arrests for breaches of public place liquor bans during a focus on alcohol-related offending.

Senior Sergeant Glenn Nalder says a total of 61 liquor ban arrests were made during the week from 15 to 22 October.

"That number is down on the previous week's tally of 101, and 76 the week before that," he says. "But these levels are still three or four times the usual weekly average."

In addition to liquor ban arrests, 41 people were arrested for disorderly behaviour during the week, the majority of which involved alcohol.

"A further 66 people were taken in to police custody because they were too drunk to look after themselves," says Senior Sergeant Nalder.

"The majority were released without charge but some were also charged with other offences such as disorder or breach of liquor ban."

Senior Sergeant Nalder says the police focus on public place drinking will continue over the coming weeks in the lead-up to Christmas.

"This campaign is about preventing crime and stopping disorder and violence before it gets out of hand.

"Anyone found drinking alcohol in breach of a liquor ban can expect to be arrested and may be charged."