Help your pets keep calm and carry on this Guy Fawkes

Monday 29 October 2012, 10:15AM

By Auckland Council



Auckland Council is calling on pet owners to make their pets’ safety a priority during the fireworks season.

“Guy Fawkes (5 November) is a stressful time for animals. While most people enjoy the noise and drama of fireworks, most animals find them frightening. Some will run away, or try to bolt and hurt themselves in the process,” says Licensing and Compliance manager Graham Bodman.

“We need pet owners to be prepared to keep their animals as calm and safe as possible this Guy Fawkes, from the time fireworks go on sale until most people’s fireworks supplies are used up.”

Auckland Council’s animal management team recommends the following tips for pet owners this Guy Fawkes:

- give your dog plenty of exercise earlier in the day

- keep dogs and other pets indoors with you – even if they normally live outside. It will help keep them calm, and reduce the risk of them running away

- close windows, doors and curtains to reduce noise and bright lights

- it helps if owners stay home with their pets to help reassure them

- make sure your cat or dog is wearing an ID tag with a contact phone number

- animals that are registered and micro-chipped are more likely to get home more quickly

- if your pet is particularly sensitive, consult your vet about sedation

- use a blanket to cover cages of pets like rabbits and guinea pigs

Anyone who finds a runaway dog should call Auckland Council on 09 301 0101. The SPCA deals with all pets, including hurt animals, and can be contacted on 09 256 7300.

For help locating missing pets, contact local vets in your area and register your lost pet at