2013 Census information roadshow - Wairoa seminar on Friday 16 November
2013 Census – info session
Nau mai, haere mai!
What are we doing?
Statistics New Zealand / Tatauranga Aotearoa coming to Wairoa to bring together people from key organisations and talk about the 2013 Census.
Why are we doing it?
Information from the census helps determine how billions of dollars of government funding is spent in the community. It is used to help make decisions about which services are needed and where they should be, such as hospitals, kōhanga reo, schools, roads, public transport, and recreational facilities.
We need your help to reach everyone in New Zealand and pass on messages to your communities about why participating in the census matters for them.
What will we be talking about?
- The 2013 Census – when is it and why it is important to participate.
- Security and confidentiality – how we protect people’s personal information.
- Operational information – what will be happening in the field in your area.
- Filling in forms online – why we want a high online uptake.
- Key census questions – demystifying why we ask some questions and what they are used for.
- Our products and services – what we will be producing after census, and some of our services available to organisations and communities.
When and where is it being held?
Friday 16 November at the War Memorial Hall, 73 Queen Street.
The meeting will start at 9.30am and will take about one and a half to two hours.
Who from your organisation should attend?
Anyone who has a role working or engaging with your organisations key stakeholders or communities for example: iwi representatives, communications staff, community liaison or outreach staff, iwi and Māori liaison staff, student support officers, librarians, social and health service staff, youth workers…
…and anyone with an interest in understanding more about census and what will be happening in 2013.
What do you need to do to attend?
Go to Statistics New Zealand website to book in. Or you can email the 2013 Census external relations team at census.external.relations@
Need more information?
Please call or email Kiri Saul, 2013 Census External Relations, on kiri.saul@stats.govt.nz or 04 931 4741