Dive Completed At Site of Governor Wreckage
Navy and Police dive teams yesterday completed a dive at the site of the wreckage of the fishing vessel, The Governor.
A search operation had previously located the vessel's wreckage lying on the sea floor about 2.5km offshore from Yates Point, north of the mouth of Milford Sound. The vessel and two people aboard were reported missing on 15 September.
Yesterday's dive did not locate missing skipper, Kevin Cosgrove (60) or crew member Nirvana Reynolds (16) in or around the vessel.
The dive was carried out in clear conditions and divers were able to take footage using camera equipment, which provided good views of the interior and exterior of the vessel.
Currents had shifted the vessel approximately 200 metres south from the place where it had been resting when initially found.
No further dives have been scheduled and the official Police search is now concluded. The Navy Dive Team will depart Milford later today.
The families have been informed of the outcome of the dive and the matter is now in the hands of the coroner.
Police continue to extend their sympathies to the families of the two men. Police also appreciate the assistance of the Navy Dive Team.