Goss pages start back up in Taranaki

Wednesday 14 November 2012, 5:24PM

By NP Linked Taranaki


Goss that is not true posted on Goss NP page
Goss that is not true posted on Goss NP page Credit: NZ HERALD


PHOTO: Iziah Willetts speaks to Dribble NZ News after being targeted over Facebook, but hes not worried.


EXCLUSIVE: A few months ago heaps of goss pages were created over social networking Facebook but now a Net Safe spokesperson has said it has started back up in New Plymouth and one of the pages called Goss NP is going to be recieving a call from the police in the next 48 hours if they do not take the page down.

Netsafe NZ has told media that they are investigating into the page and Facebook NZ is looking into this closely.

"These pages are negative, its simply bullying" says a Taranaki home owner. 

It was just a few weeks ago when students from Inglewood High School were suspended because they created a racist page about maori's and now the 'goss' pages are back.

"It is childish and immature" says Taranaki Pricapals association member "Our staff are looking into this page very closely". 

If the page has not been taken down in the next 48 hours NetSafe will track the log in's and find out who has created the page then give them a call. 



Iziah Willetts one person targeted on the Goss NP page over Facebook says "Who ever did this obviously has nothing better to do in their live"

We spoke with Iziah exclusivly and he told us "Im actually laughing at this because really the point of it all is to humiliate people like me! but the best part of that is, because it did not work! Im not humiliated nor embarrased so your loss mate to who ever did that. In fact if anything your the one who should be feeling like a loser for finding that worthless 2 minutes to put that through.. I just want to let you know. My face aint bothered and you have failed to make me feel bad." 

Iziah says "yes he was targeted but no one got hurt by it because I know it isnt true, its silly and wrong"

Iziah is looking forward to letting the Taranaki Daily News know about the issue. 


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