Google Crawl Rate Adjustment

Google Crawl Rate Adjustment

Perry Bernard

21 October 2015, 2:47PM

Perry Bernard


Google Crawl Rate Adjustment

Why This Exists and What You Should Use it For.

By Perry Bernard – Organic SEO Specialist

September 21, 2015Leave a commentBlogs, General SEO, Google Search ConsoleBy Perry Bernard

Google Crawl Rate Adjustment

Why This Exists and What You Should Use it For.

By Perry Bernard – Organic SEO Specialist

[Adjusting Google Crawl Rate in Google Search Console]

If you’re a regular user for Google Search Console you’ve probably come across this a few times. The Crawl Stats report shows the visit stats for Googlebot to your website. The data stretches back just 90 days.

In the top graph (blue) you can see how many pages are being crawled on any given day during the reporting period. The middle graph (red) shows how many kilobytes are being downloaded per day. The final graph at the bottom shows the time downloading the data from the website.

In the last day or two of these graphs you can see a very clear upward spike in both the pages crawled and time spent downloading, but the data downloaded didn’t change that much (if at all).

Any sudden upward spikes in any of these graphs can be an indicator of something wrong, but not every upward spike is a problem. Knowing some background info about this website is important.

In the months prior to this event Google had been progressively de-indexing pages in the site due to an issue with a Country Blocker. The blocker had prevented Googlebot from crawling the website. In short – a disaster for organic rank and referrals from search.

Read the full article here.