Yokohama Jogakuin Principal Mr Hirama and Rangi Ruru Principal Dr Sandra Hastie

Yokohama Jogakuin Principal Mr Hirama and Rangi Ruru Principal Dr Sandra Hastie

Credit: Supplied


14 October 2016, 2:45PM



The Japanese garden recognises the close 23-year-old relationship between the two schools.

Yokohama Jogakuin has a garden on their grounds which grows the Rangi Ruru rose (yellow in colour).

Rangi Ruru Girl's School gardener, Dan Dennehy, has overseen the development and planting of the Japanese garden which includes Acer Palmatum (Japanese Maple) Camellia japonica ‘Quintessence’ (Japanese Camelia) and Green Mondo Grass as well as rocks from the Arawata River in Haast.

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